Like most "busy" east coasters in America, I often find myself on autopilot all day. I get swarmed with appointments, meetings, art gigs, and administrative work for my business. After work there is family, friends, events, housework, errands, obligations, etc. The list goes on, and though I try to balance my work with play, it could be weeks before I see a day off during a hectic season.
There is nothing worse than getting a massage from a burnt out body worker. And how can the integrity of my artwork and commissions be maintained if I am overwhelmed and fatigued? I've decided long ago to not become a hypocritical healer and to practice what I preach -- that living whole and balanced through self-care can contribute immensely to your quality of life.
This being said, I have decided to put my personal maintenance tips on blast. I hope you can benefit from reading my secrets for daily rejuvenation. Feel free to comment and share some of your own techniques!
1) Take a pause for the cause. Make sure you incorporate some stillness in your day. If meditation is not your thing, then take a five minute break (or two, or four, or six) where you are simply doing nothing. A few moments of silence can allow the subsequent hours to be addressed with a deeper concentration and with minimum stress.
2) Bring presence into your activities. Whether you are working on the computer or cooking a meal, try to be as engaged as possible. By bringing awareness into the moment you are reducing your mental chatter and are practicing an active meditation.
3) Create a ritual in your day. If tea is your thing, give yourself a morning or evening tea ritual. Maybe you can look forward to a twenty minute bath. This tells the body that it is time to relax. Think of it as a signal for your body to decompress and to revitalize itself.
4) Diet, exercise and sleep. This feels like basic health information, though many people tend to slack on these areas during the busier times in their lives. Eating quality, healthy foods and providing your body with adequate exercise keeps the body, mind and spirit in optimum shape. Sleeping several hours each night at a proper time replenishes the body with much needed rest. If you find yourself exhausted, stressed or out of order, reflect on how you have been handling the essentials.
5) Laugh a good belly laugh as much as possible. Keeping your perspective light and incorporate some comedy in your day brings healing to your spirit. Laughter largely comes from outlook. Don't take things too seriously. Even the serious stuff can be dealt with in a light way.
Try some of these techniques and notice how you can restore wellness into any situation or circumstance.
Helina Metaferia is a holistic practitioner of Yoga Therapy, Meditation, Reiki, Thai Massage, and Intuitive Consultations. She also works as a professional fine art painter. She teaches techniques in art and healing so that people may transform their own lives. Visit www.themetaexperience.com for more information.