Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Present Moment: A Gateway Into Enlightenment

"When you have one foot in the past and one foot in the future you are peeing on today."
-- author unknown

Many people have minds filled with distraction and chaos. Our heads are so filled with mental consumption that even our thoughts have thoughts. We are generally overtaken by memories from the past or anticipation of the future, which thus leads to stress and unease. However, it is only through the present moment that we can experience any true peace and tranquility.

The present moment brings power. Through present awareness, we are fully engaged in living and are in a state of timeless calm. In the present moment there lies a threshold, a gateway into total liberation from the burdens of time and space. This is the place where originality derives from, such as innovative ideas or the creative arts.

Within the sacred now, there is a divine current that offers the spiritual completion that many of us long for. The fluctuations of a distracted mind is the ego's attempt at resolving a distorted perception of division from the universe. Many of us busy our minds with desires, the quest for relationships, or material things to fulfill a natural desire for wholeness. True recognition of our natural state of oneness can only be experienced by engaging fully in the present moment. In presence, one can realize our true essence and separate the false illusions of the ego-driven mind.

Although the power of the present moment is profound, it is rare when people can experience it for any substantial period of time. The average mind lacks the clarity and attention span to stay centered in present awareness. Mental relaxation exercises, such as meditation, tai chi, qi gong, and yoga can train the body for such an experience. But training alone may not help the mind cross the threshold into presence. People who engage in activities that release their perception of time, such as sewing, gardening, the arts, or jogging may come in contact with presence. However, concentrated activities alone may not create sustained present awareness.

The way into complete presence, and ultimately enlightenment, comes from a surrender into the now. Once the mind, body, and spirit surrenders the ego and releases the need to jump into the past or future, the timeless attention into the present moment sustains. The present moment can only be discovered by a total submersion in the present moment. You must simply decide if you are ready to dive in. Enjoy the dive.

Helina Metaferia is a visual artist, holistic practitioner, and founding director of The Meta Experience, a visual and healing arts business. She enjoys writing about the practices that help her develop in mind, body, and spirit. Visit the website:

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A New Reality - Complete Awareness

I feel a shift occurring in my being. My paradigm is changing and I am in between two worlds. One world is that of the first 27 years of my existence in this lifetime. It is complicated with illusion - the illusion of material, emotional, and mental things. The other world has been revealing itself to me with rapid speed. This world is rich with pure oneness and clarity.

As I leave the illusion of a three dimensional world and ascend into awareness, I leave behind the following: an ego that has grown accustomed to identification; a tangled obsession with love and companionship; a previous interest in healing and being a healer. I also leave behind a reality that has been consumed with worry, desire, and a quest for improvement. All of this is meaningless in my new world.

My new existence is liberating in mind, body, and consciousness. There is no division from one person to the next, from light or darkness, from night or day.

This profound transformation has been evolving rapidly over the last few months. I feel like I am graduating into a new reality, but my old ways of being won't leave without a tantrum. Shedding skin like a python, I've had a good share of upsets in the process. However, the only thing I know for certain is that the vortex is wide open and I'd be playing myself not to step in.

Here's what I am discovering about the new reality:

* There is only one thing. That thing has been named so many names but still remains nameless. It just is.

* There are many people that are opening up to this new world. The ascension is growing faster and faster. More people have a purpose that is speaking to them than ever before.

* It is insane to live in the old reality any longer, because the new way of being offers so much more clarity.

* Judge and have opinions of no one. Everyone is growing at their own pace.

* If you have a gift or a talent, use it. The new reality appreciates those that are true to themselves.

* Nothing is outside of yourself. The power, light, love and God is within you. The more we ask that the illusion fulfills us, the more we will grow disappointed.

As I continue to grow and transcend in my journey, I send love and light to all those that are experiencing similar things. It is a difficult process, but a necessary one. May all those that are feeling the ins and outs of ascension be blessed. May those that have no clue as to what I am referring to be blessed. May we all give each other a chance to simply be.


Helina Metaferia