Friday, September 3, 2010

Divine Surrender - A Daily Meditation

Faith, trust and surrender are more than acts of wishful thinking. They are practices that nourish our spirits and strengthen our souls. They provide an opening into enlightened consciousness; an awareness that can transform the dominant lower mind, known as the ego, into supreme oneness. When we operate in full faith, we have let go of the illusions of the world and are grounded in true knowledge of self. We are no longer wrestling the daily world for control. Our mind, body and spirits are united in a divine flow, and we rest in knowing that we don't have to conduct the current.

Surrendering to the universe is a life lesson that, if anything, promises peace of mind. Some people may find it easier to surrender in one area of their lives but not in another. For example, one may feel that it is easy to give up their need for control when it comes to financial prosperity, but not when it comes to relationships. The things that ignite our fears become our personal lessons. It is in these areas that we need to discover courage and loosen our need to dictate our reality. 

How do you know what areas in your life that you need to surrender in? Pay close attention to your body. Look for signs of resistance. Our bodies give excellent signals on our stress levels. Notice if during a certain activity, such as balancing your checkbook or talking to a particular person, you exhibit the following body signals:

* Clenched teeth
* Tightened muscles 
* Shallow or restricted breathing
* Knots or butterflies in the stomach
* Heat building in the body 
* Sleepless nights
* Over thinking and an increased mental dialogue pertaining to the past or future
* A sudden injury or illness

If you have one or more habitual sensation when you are thinking about a situation, activity or person, you could be operating from anxiety rather than from faith. Sometimes we identify ourselves with our body's behavior and are not even aware that we are reacting in such discomfort. In general, letting go, surrender and faith can help ourselves discover relaxation, peace and contentment. 

Although many people may feel that it will take them years to achieve divine surrender over a particular issue, it can happen in a moment's notice. Often times, people discover their inner strength and freedom after a crises. It is only when things become the worst that we discover that we'll never have the control that our egos were fighting to compose. Luckily, we do not have to wait for a disaster before we develop trust and surrender. Practice this simple meditation to stimulate surrender in your daily life.

Meditation on Divine Surrender:

1) Close your eyes and sit in a comfortable seated position with your back straight and the top of your head pointed to the ceiling. Take deep breaths in and out of your nostrils while your lips are closed. 

2) Begin to relax the body. Focus on sending the breath into each body part -- your feet, legs, torso, arms, etc. -- until your muscles are loose and relaxed. Place a gentle smile on your lips as you complete this part of the exercise. Send the intention of love and light throughout your body. 

3) Visualize that which you are worried about in great detail. Imagine every aspect of the situation -- the people involved, the procedures, the environment. See it clearly in your mind's eye and feel all the emotions that come with the circumstance. Keep that gentle smile on your mouth all the while. 

4) Repeat the sacred mantra: "I let go, I free you, I free me, I surrender to the divine." Don't just say the words, feel them. Believe in them. You are releasing the need to "do" anything and are giving in to the power of being free. You are taking responsibility and moving into trust. 

5) Imagine your situation forming words and speaking back to you the same mantra: "I let go, I free you, I free me, I surrender to the divine." If you are thinking of a person, imagine him or her saying that to you. If you are thinking of a circumstance, imagine the energy behind the circumstance communicating to you through vibration. You cannot control what another person says or does, but you can shift your thoughts so that you imagine that your situation is receptive to your trust and that it wants to give into the surrender as well. 

Practice this surrender meditation as often as you would like, but at least daily until you feel the effects of it. You may notice a difference in your attitudes in just one session, or over the course of several sessions. Be patient. Trust. Have faith. Let go.

Helina Metaferia is a visual artist and holistic practitioner of Reiki, Thai Massage, Intuitive Consultations, Yoga Therapy, and Meditation Instruction. Her website is 

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