Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Been a while...

Been a while since I last blogged. Life put me up in the eye of the tornado, simply because some things needed to spin up on my path. Interestingly enough, each disaster lead me to more surrender and peace than before the storms. It cleaned up my act so that I was no longer acting up. If I said that I was committed to living a path of light and love, well gosh darn it, it better be authentic. And so, I got an authentic spanking... or two... or three....

Still cleaning up the pieces.

That being said, I decided to share some writings. I guess the best fuel for any artist is experience. Consider me fueled and ready. Spirt and my life path are my muse and they've been up to some serious musings. :)

A Lightworker In Her Own Shadow

Spent a fortune buying florescent eco-friendly light bulbs, 100watts,
three per room.
Spent much time on the lighting fitures, the arrangements
carefully placed.
Even opened up all the windows so the natural light could
make things better.

Turned on the light switch in every room and then sat with closed eyes,
wondering why the darkness was still there.
Why, that after so many years of bringing in the light,
the best quality light, the shadows remained.
Must have been too scared to see. To see the clutter, the second-hand
furniture and pack-rat belongings.
See the carpet stains and dust balls. See what was old and unlovable.

I cried, eyes still closed. And prayed, eyes still closed. And screamed,
eyes still closed. And all but gave up 300x.
And then, something so soft that it almost didn't belong in the
home at all began to whisper.
It was too soft, almost too quiet for the noise of my sobs.
But it whispered. And whispered. And talked.
And sang. It sang. It sang me the most beautiful lullaby, like the
invisible used to sing to me as an infinite.
And I sang. I sang from the heart. It came from the heart.
I sang my eyes all the way open and found that my smile was enough to
illuminate everything.

It's funny how a little love created the courage to be the light and
clean up house simultaneously.
A little love repaired the furniture dents and carpet burns, or at least
made them acceptable.
A little love gave me the confidence to open my eyes and shine brilliantly.

I am realizing that love is the most universal tool you can keep in your
personal temple. It's essentially who we are.

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